Perceptions and preferences of the Saudi Arabia population regarding telehealth services: A cross-sectional study

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Research Paper 03/12/2023
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Perceptions and preferences of the Saudi Arabia population regarding telehealth services: A cross-sectional study

Anas Ali Alhur, Afrah Ali Alhur, Enas Alrkad, Azam Alharbi, Nawal Sulaiman Melhi Daheshi, Salem Ibrahim Alghamdi, Sami Ahmed Alzahrani, Awwadh Saad Alghamdi, Laila Sulaiman Daheshi, Shouq Madhi Alanazi, Salem Jabbar Hamdan Alghamdi, Anwar Othman Alomari, Omar Abdullah Alosmani, Fatimah Suliman Daheshi, Yousef Saaed Al-zahrani
Int. J. Biosci.23( 6), 1-8, December 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This cross-sectional study explores the perceptions and preferences of the Saudi Arabian population regarding telehealth services. With the integration of technology in healthcare settings becoming increasingly important, this research aims to fill the gap in understanding its effectiveness and adoption. Utilizing a structured online questionnaire, data was collected from 518 individuals across various demographics, revealing a generally positive attitude toward telehealth. The findings indicate a high level of awareness and satisfaction with telehealth services, with a preference for their use in non-emergency situations and a strong endorsement of video consultations. Despite the positive outlook, the barriers to adoption include concerns about privacy, security, and a lack of public understanding. The study’s results are significant for policymakers and healthcare providers, suggesting that while the Saudi public is ready to embrace telehealth, there is a need to address the identified barriers and ensure equitable access to these services. The research underscores the potential for telehealth to improve healthcare delivery in Saudi Arabia, reflecting a global trend toward digital health solutions.


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