Perspectives usages of biochar to minimise the herbicide residues in agricultural soil

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Research Paper 01/03/2019
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Perspectives usages of biochar to minimise the herbicide residues in agricultural soil

Md Arifur Rahaman, Imran Wasiq, Md. Abu Sayem Jiku, Ashutus Singha, Muhiuddin Faruquee
Int. J. Biosci.14( 3), 504-512, March 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Biochar is a solid product from the pyrolysis process, a thermochemical conversion where biomass is heated with limited oxygen. Biochar offers an opportunity to binding organic pollutants in the environment due to its high sorption affinity. So biochar might be possible to absorb the strong polar glyphosate molecule and its metabolite amino methyl propionic acid, AMPA. As biochar is being used to remove herbicide, it can be used to bind herbicide residues in soil at time of seeding. Therefore, the experiments were carried out in order to test perspectives for detoxification of glyphosate soil residues by biochar amendments, assessment of various application methods to find practically suitable way of application of biochar. Total five treatments were used in this experiment included control, glyphosate (gly), gly+ch5%, gly+ch10%, and gly+ch20%. The results showed that seedling emergence was slightly affected by the glyphosate treatments and this effect was mitigated by 5% biochar application. For Leaf chlorophyll content, significant results were observed on 8th day. In contrast, significant results were not observed on 10th days. Root fresh weight did not reveal any significant difference. However, a significant difference was observed in root dry weight. Root morphological analysis, there was a trend for mitigation effect was observed in the biochar treatments. However, the difference was not significant. Finally, we can be concluded that plant damage symptoms were mitigated by additions of biochar (5% w/w) with known potential to adsorb toxic compounds such as herbicide residues in soils.


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