Petrochemical industry site selection using ordered weight averaging with fuzzy logic, A case study of Hamedan province, Iran

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Petrochemical industry site selection using ordered weight averaging with fuzzy logic, A case study of Hamedan province, Iran

Saeed Karimi, Afsaneh Asgaripor
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 5), 250-259, May 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Developing in technology and industry can cause so many risks for human health and the environment, but locating a suitable place emphatically on appropriate method can help decision makers to reduce these hazards. It is clear that petrochemical industry with its complication can be so risky and most of these risks are arising mainly from improper site selections. This paper with the aim of reducing risks and hazards, presents geographic information systems-based Multi-Criteria Evaluation of petrochemical industry site selection in Hamedan province, Iran. For this purpose eleven environmental and economic criteria were selected, including: water resources, elevation, slope, faults, flood, soil, protected zone, population centers (city and village) and communication lines (highway and main road) and were standardized by fuzzy membership functions (like: Sigmoidal, J-shaped and Linear). For selecting the best site, the fuzzy kind of VIKOR method was applied to determine the priority ranking of criteria for example rivers were the most important one and at the end all layers were combined by Ordered Weighted Average techniques with five decision alternatives (like: AND, WLC, OR and two MCEMID maps which are middle modes of privies maps). Results of this study demonstrate that the aim of the approach is not to find a single ‘‘optimal’’ solution, but to show other strengths associated with the weighting flexibility of the OWA approach Also the result revealed that integration of fuzzy logic and OWA can give better idea compared with other models like fuzzy logic (individually). Therefore, this model can be applied for petrochemical site selection of other similar places


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