Phylogenetic analysis of waxy genes in wheat’s using bioinformatics methods

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Research Paper 01/09/2013
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Phylogenetic analysis of waxy genes in wheat’s using bioinformatics methods

Zahra Maryami, Arash Fazeli
Int. J. Biosci.3( 9), 23-28, September 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Quality of wheat is depending on three waxy genes. In order to identify variation and phylogenetic analysis of waxy genes in wheat and wild ancestor we used bioinformatics methods to clarify them. Results indicated that there is high variation in nucleotide level among our sequences and Triticum monocuccum with Triticum urartu show 97.3% similarity and Triticum turgidum with Aegilops triuncialis has only 18.5% similarity. Based on Phylogenetic analysis all samples located in two groups that Aegilops triuncialis alone has been located in a group and other samples in another group.


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