Physico-chemical and microbiological analysis of Cagayan River along the natural habitat of Batissa violacea “Cabibi”

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Research Paper 01/01/2021
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Physico-chemical and microbiological analysis of Cagayan River along the natural habitat of Batissa violacea “Cabibi”

Lenimfa P Molina, Eunice S Daluddung, Loryn G Amog, Simeon R Rabanal Jr, Matilde L Malana, Lirio D Mangawil
J. Bio. Env. Sci.18( 1), 57-64, January 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Cagayan River is the natural habitat of an edible Freshwater Clam, Batissa violacea locally known as Cabibi. This species of a bivalve is endemic in the Cagayan River and of economic importance. In this study, the physico-chemical and microbial loads on water provide valuable information on the quality of water and its impact on the safety of clam living in the ecosystem. Monthly monitoring of the physicochemical parameters using HI 91846 multi-parameter and microbial analyses using the 3M petrifilm. The results of the physicochemical parameters were compared to the Water Quality Standards for Freshwater stipulated in the DENR Administrative Order 34, series of 1990. The results of the study indicated that out of the five physicochemical parameters tested such as temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Suspended Solids, and Total Dissolved Solids in the wild where B. violacea were collected, two parameters passed namely temperature and pH while D.O, TSS, and TDS exceeded the limit of the criteria for Water Quality Standard under Class C. The presence of E. coli and Total Coliform in the water indicates microbial contamination in the environment wherein highest microbial counts were recorded in the stations near the residential areas. Therefore, further investigation of the human impact or contribution in the presence of these microbial contaminants is essential. It is also highly recommended that proper depuration must be done before cooking clams. Furthermore, to enhance the quality of the river, strict implementation of solid waste management must be enforced especially communities near the river.

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