Preparation of polymer matrix and release patterns of nitrogen from the product

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Research Paper 01/07/2018
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Preparation of polymer matrix and release patterns of nitrogen from the product

M.H. Rahman
Int. J. Biosci.13( 1), 213-222, July 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Nitrogen fertilizers used to grow agricultural crops around the globe have a great problem. After they are applied to the soil, more than three quarters of their nutrients get washed away before plants can absorb them. Urea is a common source in nitrogen .But it is quickly breaks down into ammonia, which creates environmental pollution and chemical hazards. In this research we prepared a slow release nitrogen fertilizer that release nutrient overlong period of time giving crops more time to absorb them, which also reduce to loss of urea to the environment. A slow-release nitrogen fertilizer prepared by covalently immobilizing urea on a biodegradable polymer matrix consisting of Poly (Methacrylic acid)(PMAA). The resulting product abbreviated as PMAU, was characterized by FTIR and NMR spectral analyses, thin layer chromatography measurement and elemental analyses. Results showed that PMAU contained 32.85% nitrogen and the solvency reduced to over 335 times as compared to urea. To clarify the performance of PMAU in agriculture, a comparative study was carried out on the growth and development of green chili ‘Capsicum annuum‘ plants using urea and control (without N- fertilizer) as the basis. The release profiles of nitrogen in soil and plants were examined. Release rate of nitrogen was slow and steady in PMAU treated soil than urea treated soil under same condition. The growth of chilli plants was relatively faster in presence of PMAU. The experimental data indicated that the product can effectively reduce nutrient loss, improved the use efficiency of water and prolong irrigation cycles in drought prone environments.


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