Prevalence and PCR based molecular characterization of goat pox virus from field Outbreaks of Multan and Bahawalnagar, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/09/2019
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Prevalence and PCR based molecular characterization of goat pox virus from field Outbreaks of Multan and Bahawalnagar, Pakistan

Ayesha Ijaz, Farhat Jabeen, Asma Ashraf, Shabana Naz
Int. J. Biosci.15( 3), 435-442, September 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


This study was designed to check the prevalence and PCR base molecular characterization of goat pox virus (GTPV) in the Multan and Bahwalnagar regions of Punjab, Pakistan. Capripox virus (CPPV) is the cause of goat pox (GTP) and sheep pox (SPP) disease; it highly affects the morbidity and mortality rate of goats and sheep. In this study the 80 tissue and blood samples of goats were collected on age basis from the goat farms, slaughter houses, tanneries and domestic animals. The epidemiological data was also collected. The collected samples were processed for DNA extraction and characterized the goat pox virus (GTPV) with specific reported and designed primers of P32 gene by PCR. Then each amplified product was analyzed by Gel Electrophoresis visualized by fluorescence in UV light. This study showed that Infants of goats in Multan showed 25% while adult goat in Multan showed 14.2% positive results. In Bahawlnagar, the effected infants of goats found were 31.25% while adult goats with positive signs were 11.1%. Both primers were equally effective for the characterization of unknown samples. The most effected goats were adult female and infants. The data was highly significant to p < 0.05.


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