Productivity of some forage grasses under foliar sprinkler irrigation and foliar application of potassium nitrate under salinity stress

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Research Paper 01/05/2016
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Productivity of some forage grasses under foliar sprinkler irrigation and foliar application of potassium nitrate under salinity stress

Kandil AA, Shareif AE
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.8( 5), 39-59, May 2016.
Certificate: IJAAR 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Field experiment was conducted during 2013/2014 and 2015 seasons was aimed to evaluate productivity of Rhodes and Blue panic grasses as well as Alfalfa under sprinkler irrigation with foliar application of potassium nitrate that enable plants to cope with water stress. Each two forage grasses beside alfalfa were conducted in separate experiments. Irrigation every 10 days surpassed in total chlorophyll, leaf area, plant height, number of stems/m2, forage green yield/fed and forage dry matter yield/fed than those irrigated every 20 days. Highest percentages of water use efficiency, crude fiber and nitrogen free extract as well as yield/fed of crude protein, crude fiber, ether extract, ash and nitrogen free extract were produced from irrigation every 7 days. However, highest percentages of crude protein, ether extract and ash were produced from irrigation every 14 days. Forage species significantly differed on total chlorophyll, leaf area/plant, plant height, average of number of stem/cm2, forage green yield/fed and forage dry matter yield/fed. A significant effect due to forage species on percentages of water use efficiency, crude protein and fiber, extracting ether, ash and nitrogen free extract and nitrogen free extract as well as crude fiber, extracting ether, ash and nitrogen free extract yield/fed. Sown Rhodes grass produced maximum forage green and forage dry matter yield/fed and its quality compared with other studied forage crops. Foliar spraying of potassium nitrate at 15 ppm significantly increased total chlorophyll, leaf area, plant height, number of stems/m2, forage green and forage dry matter yield/fed. The results showed that highest percentages of water use efficiency, crude protein, crude fiber and ether extract, and nitrogen free extract and nitrogen free extract as well as crude fiber, extracting ether, ash and nitrogen free extract yield/fed. It could be stated that irrigation every 10 days and sown Rhodes grass and foliar spraying of potassium nitrate at 15 ppm maximized forage green and forage dry matter yield/fed.

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