Proteus mirabilis as a pathogenic organism

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Proteus mirabilis as a pathogenic organism

By: Umbreen Zafar, Muhammad Kamran Taj, Imran Nawaz, Ashiq Hussain, Imran Taj, Zain-ul-Abideen, Sidra Mengal, Malala Panezai, Nasir Ahmed Rind, Syeda Ayesha Ali, Ghulam Mohammad, Saima Azam, Zohra Samreen
Int. J. Biosci.14( 3), 428-435, March 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Proteus is the member of family Enterobacteriaceae. They are gram negative, facultative anaerobic and rod shaped bacteria. Proteus mirabilis caused wounds infection, urinary tract infection, rheumatoid arthritis and meningitis in infants. Pathogenicity of Proteus mirabilis is facilitated by their unique virulence factors like adhesins, flagella, toxins, quorum-sensing, enzymes and immune invasion. The ability of urease gene of Proteus mirabilis that breakdown the urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide that increase the pH of urine resulting adherence, colonization, and biofilm formation. Proteus mirabilis are sensitive to most of β-lactams contaning antibiotics but also show resistance against broad spectrum β-lactamases, and AmpC enzymes when they acquired β-lactamases genes. Proteus mirabilis has been increased extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) production. The most predominant enzymes of Proteus mirabilis such as TEM, CTX-M ,VEB- and PER are less common. Proteus mirabilis express number of virulence factors that promote pathogenicity. This information about Proteus virulence will help to a better understanding of infectious processes and will allow to develop new effective procedure for prevention and clinical treatment.


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