Recent developments in sugarcane transcriptome

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Recent developments in sugarcane transcriptome


Hybrid sugarcane is one of the major industrially important cash crops. Cultivated in the tropical and subtropical regions, it is a C4, tall-stalked plant of the Poaceae family which provides 80% world sugar and bioethanol. The genome of hybrid represents polyploidy originating from two Saccharum species Saccharum officinarum L. and Saccharum spontaneum L. The complexity of the polyploid genome remains a challenge for researchers to analyze the whole genome sequence of sugarcane. The recent, more sophisticated DNA sequencing technologies have made studying the genomes of the closest species possible. Once the whole genome of sugarcane is available, it becomes easier to understand the hybrid. transcriptome sequencing by High Throughput Illumina sequencing technology has a great role in studying an organism’s total transcriptome at different developmental stages, in different tissues, and under environmental stimuli. Large-scale expression profiling techniques of hybrid Saccharum involving generating sequence tags or hybridizing RNA samples with nucleotide probes have been used. In this review, we mainly focused on the recent developments in the transcriptome analysis of sugarcane.


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