Relationship between adult’s flight-eggs laying and infestation rate of date by Ectomylois ceratoniae in El Megaier region (Algeria)

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Relationship between adult’s flight-eggs laying and infestation rate of date by Ectomylois ceratoniae in El Megaier region (Algeria)

Ismahane Lebbouz, Ibrahim Merabti, Mohamed Seghir Mehaoua, Ayoub Hajab, Mohamed Laid Ouakid
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 5), 199-208, November 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The date moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae, infests date both in the field, on date palms and the proliferation continuing during storage. Chemical interventions have failed until today an effective protection of the date production because of the biology and feeding behavior of this pest. The larvae of this moth, feeding and developing inside the date where they are protected there. This work aims to study the relationship between fluctuations of adult’s flight, the eggs laying and infestation rate on three varieties at high market value which are, Deglet Nour, Degla beida and Ghars in El Meghaier region (Algeria) during date campaigns of 2011, 2012 and 2013 years, using pheromone traps, for monitoring fluctuations of adults flight. The monitoring of laying eggs and infestation rates were performed by a sampling dates. The monitoring fluctuations of adults flight results using pheromone traps, reveals that adults are present throughout the year and they are active during a period of 9 months during which two periods of intense activity were recorded; one in spring and other in autumn which is  responsible for the dates attack and other host fruits by E. ceratoniae. The study of the relationship between the level of the adults population, level of eggs-laying and infestation reveals that; on Deglet Nour variety, peaks of infestation and eggs-laying are recorded with or after the adult’s flight peak while for two others varieties, the peaks of egg-laying and infestation are singled before or with the peak of the flight. The reasons of these variations are established.


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