Relationship between obesity and thyriod hormone level in human body

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Relationship between obesity and thyriod hormone level in human body

Muhammad Muzammal, Safeer Ahmad, Muhammad Zeeshan Ali, Muhammad Ikram, ToqeerAhmad, Sohail Ahmad, Rizwan, Saima Mashal, Amna Karim, Fatima, Sana Saleem Jan
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 70-74, January 2019.
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Thyroid gland is the largest and purest endocrine gland in the body about 20gm in weight. It secretes two types of hormones Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3). These two hormones are involved in the basic metabolic process in the body. Due to malnutrients our youth is facing many problems related to health. This study was done on the normal and obese individuals to find out the level of thyroid hormone in their body that either obesity has any effect on the thyroid hormone level in the body. Using standard method the BMI of all the individuals was calculated. Also the level of Thyriod hormone was calculated using Elisa technique. In our finding highest level of TSH in male participants was found to be 2.672μIU/ml and his BMI was 32.196, while he had low level of T3 and T4 hormone i.e. 0.971ng/ml and 5.683μg/dl respectively. In Female participants highest level of TSH was found to be 2.875μIU/ml.Her BMI was 32.87 and her T3 and T4 hormone level was 1.019ng/ml and 5.621μg/dl respectively, Which was significantly lesser then the rest of the female participants with normal BMI. Our study strongly relates to the hypothesis that obese individuals has high level of TSH while low level of T3 and T4 hormone as compared to the normal individuals. So our study suggest that for normal level and functioning of hormones in the body, foucs on your diet and avoid malnutreints, so your body weigth remains normal as such your hormonal level.

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