Response of plant secondary metabolites to mutagenesis in callus cultures of Sunflower plant

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Research Paper 01/10/2018
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Response of plant secondary metabolites to mutagenesis in callus cultures of Sunflower plant

Noor-e-Saba Khaskheli, Dr. Muhammad Umar Dahot, Dr. Syed Habib Ahmed Naqvi, Mehtab Hussain Nizamani, Dua Sabir, Rida Qaimkhani
Int. J. Biosci.13( 4), 409-416, October 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Plant in vitro cultures are able to produce and accumulate many medicinally valuable secondary metabolites. Antioxidants are an important group of medicinal preventive compounds as well as being food additives inhibiting detrimental changes of easily oxidizable nutrients. Many different in vitro approaches have been used for increased biosynthesis and the accumulation of antioxidant compounds in plant cells. In the present piece of work some mutagenesis strategies are used to manipulate plant secondary metabolites by means of plant tissue culture. The strategies used for improving the antioxidants in vitro production efficiency are also highlighted via media optimization. This artefact presents results of widespread study of cultivation of plant cells in-vitro. In current research callus cultures were used to screen the upshot of mutagenic amalgams on the plant secondary metabolites. Sunflower plant was mutagenized using mutagen namely Sodium Azide. Callus cultures were sustained using several amalgamations of phytohormones. Callus were attained by means of phytohormones NAA, Thiamin HCL, 2,4-D. At the end screening of primary and secondary metabolites was carried out.


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