Review on antimicrobial applications of silver nanoparticles and use of plant extracts for its synthesis

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Review Paper 01/05/2018
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Review on antimicrobial applications of silver nanoparticles and use of plant extracts for its synthesis

Mudassir Khan, Gouhar Zaman, Fazal Jalil, Haseena Rauf, Shehla Gohar
Int. J. Biosci.12( 5), 238-246, May 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Metallic nanoparticles are mostly used in medical fields as it has small size and can easily be used in different applications. In this review, silver nanoparticles and its antimicrobial activities are elaborated for ease of study from different research papers. It has been proven by researchers that nanoparticles have antimicrobial properties. In all metallic nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles have much attention towards antimicrobial properties. Chemicals are used as reducing agents to synthesize nanoparticles, hence it can be used in various biological risks and activities because of its toxic nature also having environmental friendly nature. Biological molecules screened out from plant extracts are used in green synthesis as they are prominent over chemical methods. Plants have vital role in synthesis of metal nanoparticles because plants have biological molecules. This review describes plant diversity which mostly meets with silver nanoparticles having antimicrobial activities.


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