Review on reported importance and previous conservation investigations of a threatened food tree species Pentadesma butyracea

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Review on reported importance and previous conservation investigations of a threatened food tree species Pentadesma butyracea

M. Mouyohoun Kouagou, Honore SS Biaou, Imorou Ouorou Barre Fousseni, Jonas A Djenontin, Armand K Natta
J. Bio. Env. Sci.18( 3), 31-46, March 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Most of multi-use species are declining in the wide habitat in spite of the variety of the conservation recommendations formulated by researchers. This may be due to the fact that a large part of researches focused on their socio-economic importance than the conservation of those species. Pentadesma butyracea is a multi-uses tree species that occurs from Sierra Leone to Gabon in dense Guineo-Congo rainforest and in gallery forests in the Dahomey-Gap of the dry corridor. This work used 56 studies to synthetize the importance of Pentadesma butyracea, enumerate the main threats to species persistence and test if probability of suggesting conservation strategies varied according to main fields of research, the conservation focus and the statement of conservation aim in the study. Our synthesis showed that although 68.75% asked conservation questions, only 43.75% suggested strategies for conservation of Pentadesma butyracea species and/or its habitat, gallery forests. We found 11 combinations of disturbances and 3 isolated disturbances which can simultaneously occur in the wild. We recommended for Pentadesma butyracea and it habitat effective conservation to limit gallery forest width reduction and fragmentation, to enforce the law regarding the minimum distance between farmer field and the gallery forest. Studies on multi-uses trees species must explicitly involve the viability of remnant populations and set the threshold viable habitat size. We also recommend to disentangle drivers of Pentadesma butyracea populations decline using update and accurate mathematical and statistical tools.


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