Seed priming affected physiology and grain yield of chickpea under salt stress

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Research Paper 01/07/2014
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Seed priming affected physiology and grain yield of chickpea under salt stress

Milad Abdolahpour, Ramin Lotfi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 1), 442-446, July 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In order to study the effect of priming and salinity on seed germination, physiological characteristics and grain yield of chickpea, an experiment was carried out under hydroponic condition. Results showed that germination percentage and rate significantly reduced under salt stress. KNO3 was proper trait than that of hydro-priming to improving germination rate. Leaf area index (LAI) and membrane stability index (MSI) reduced under salt stress specially sever salt level (S3). Seed priming had no effect on LAI and MSI. In contract, primed plants significantly increased leaf water content (LWC). KNO3 under sever salinity condition improved LWC of chickpea. Loss of grain yield under sever salt stress in comparison to control was 76%. Priming seed by water and KNO3 enhanced grain yield approximately 13% and 27%, respectively in comparison to control. As a result of this research chickpea was sensitive plant to salinity and priming especially by KNO3 can be improved physiological characteristic and grain yield of this plant.

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