Seeding Rate and Varieties Effect on Food Barely (Hordeumvulgare spp. vulgare L.) Yield and Yield Components at Duna District, Southern Ethiopia

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Research Paper 12/09/2022
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Seeding Rate and Varieties Effect on Food Barely (Hordeumvulgare spp. vulgare L.) Yield and Yield Components at Duna District, Southern Ethiopia

Bereket Tagesse
Int. J. Biosci.21( 3), 177-188, September 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study was to evaluate the effects of different row spacing and variety and to determine the optimum row spacing for maximum productivity of different food barleyvarieties; a study was conducted at Duna district, Southern Ethiopia from July to December 2018. Four barely varieties (Shadiho (3381-01), HB 1307, HB 42, and Shagee) and three seed rates (75,100 and 125kg ha-1) and RCBD with three replication were used. The results showed that 50% heading, days to  physiological maturity, spike length, number of kernel per spike, thousand kernel weight,grain yield andabove ground biomass were highly significantly (P<0.01) affected by the main effects of variety and seed rate whereas,grain filling period and harvest index (HI)were highly significantly (P<0.01) affected only by variety.Number of tillers, and number of productive tillers were highly significantly (P<0.01) affected by the main effect of the seed rate and interaction. Among the varieties, Shedho (3381-01) took longest days to heading (71), maturity (115.67) and grain filling (44), while the earliest was BH 1307 variety. This variety produced the longest spike (8.933cm), highest number of kernel per spike (51.33), highest grain yield (4.424 t ha-1) and HI (38.7%). HB 42 gave the lowest 1000 weight (35.76g). Variety Shagee gave the highest biomass (14.52 t ha-1), lowest grain yield (3.803 t ha-1), and produced shortest spike (7.29cm). Furthermore, the interaction effect of variety and seed rate significantly affected plant height, number of tillers, and number of productive tillers. Based on the agronomic performance of this study variety HB 1307 of food barely at seed rate 125 kg ha-1 was recommended for Duna district.


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