Silica and other nutrient contents of agricultural wastes at different pre-extraction methods

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Research Paper 01/06/2021
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Silica and other nutrient contents of agricultural wastes at different pre-extraction methods

Andrea F Dawan, Yvette D Medrano, Gerald L Seridon
Int. J. Biosci.18( 6), 228-232, June 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted to determine the potential of agricultural wastes such as rice straw, rice hull and boiler ash as a source of silica and other nutrients for crop production and determine the best extraction technique to form a liquid fertilizer from the wastes. Laboratory study on the most efficient silica extraction technique was conducted. It was laid out in a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors and four replications. First factor includes the different agricultural wastes; rice straw, carbonized rice hull (CRH), rice hull ash (RHA) and boiler ash and the second factor includes extraction techniques such as yeast fermentation (control), acid, and enzyme and acid pre-treatments combined. In terms of silica extraction, acid pre-treatment and fermentation is shown to be the most efficient and CRH has the highest silica content and acceptable pH level; hence, further study on the efficiency of this technique and the CRH liquid extract was recommended.


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