Socio-economic influence of grazing and utilization of Pothwar plateau range area on local community

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Socio-economic influence of grazing and utilization of Pothwar plateau range area on local community

Iqra Naeem, Talal Asif, Hina Tariq
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 6), 305-311, June 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Two research studies were conducted in Khairi murat Forested area and Khairi murat Range area during 2015-16 in Pothwar Plateau district Rawalpindi. Main aims were to assess the relative species composition and find out the socio-economic perspectives of local communities and their impacts over the rangelands. 11 grass species and 6 plants and shrubs species were identified which were dominating at that study area. Line transect method was used during 3 consecutive seasons (spring, summer, winter) of 2015-16. The average plant density was 324781/ha in forest and 106170/ha in range area; 395634/ha in forest and 110759/ha in range area while 323111/ha in forest and 90431/ha in rangeland during spring, summer and winter season respectively. Vegetation cover was recorded as 37.65% in forest and 28.5% in rangeland; 44.42% in forest and 29.89% in rangeland while 35% in forest and 25% in range area during spring, summer and winter season respectively. Questionnaire and farmer discussion held for field survey. The current study viewed the division of village area woodland among different stakeholders and concluded that there is great difference in density and vegetation of forested area and village range area. On the same time, there is great difference between life standards of different stakeholders. Higher rate of illiteracy and dependency of local people on livestock ruin the range area of village.


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