Soil erosion potential zoning of Arasbaran forest lands using MCDM and GIS (case study: Mardanaghom-chay Watershed)

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Research Paper 01/07/2015
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Soil erosion potential zoning of Arasbaran forest lands using MCDM and GIS (case study: Mardanaghom-chay Watershed)

Sanaz Shoari, Erfan Zolfeghari (Corresponding Author), Omid Rafieyan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 1), 141-148, July 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Potential Zoning and severity of erosion in management of areas, is a mechanism by which reduces conflict zones and provides the opportunity to take the required measures. The present study aimed at Potential Zoning areas prone to erosion Arasbaran forests, Mardanghom chay watershed, an area of 28,262 hectares, with the use of MCDM and fuzzy logic by using GIS. In this study, after visiting the region’s forest after initial recognition and preparation of the digital maps to the Delphi questionnaire, and the AHP Layers were weighted and classified. In the next step is through using SPOT5 satellite images of the area, polygon of degraded lands and forests in vector format layers were prepared and then by using MCE, the final Soil Erosion Potential Zoning map were prepared. The rate of erosion in the study area based on environmental factors, vegetation and destructive was to the four classes of erosion, severe, moderate, low and very low classified. The results indicated that slope as one of the investigated parameters, according to the AHP, with 0.2 was assigned highest weight base on its significant relative to each of the other factors and aspect was assigned lowest weight. Parameters weights for each criteria after pair wise comparison matrix after slope, decrease respectively, Altitude, Climate, Population, Distance of river, Soil texture, Geology, Distance of road, Distance of village, Land use and Density. It can be said that, the most important factor in soil erosion was slope.


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