Spatial and seasonal variation of macrobenthos diversity around Nuclear Power Plant site, Tarapur, Maharashtra

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Research Paper 01/03/2016
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Spatial and seasonal variation of macrobenthos diversity around Nuclear Power Plant site, Tarapur, Maharashtra

Priti V. Kubala, Ajit A. Ambekara, Chandra Prakasha, Paramita B. Sawanta
J. Bio. Env. Sci.8( 3), 77-87, March 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The present study aimed at assessment of impact of Nuclear Power Plant site, Tarapur on macrobenthos diversity at seven locations, viz., TAPS 1&2, TAPS 3&4, Light house, Chinchani, Varor, Uchheli and Nandgoan for premonsoon, monsoon and postmonsoon seasons. Samples were collected for physico-chemical, hydro- sedimentological and macrobenthos study in intertidal area. The surface water temperature varied from 27.50C – 320C, whereas dissolved oxygen ranged from 6.2-7.5 mg l-1 and exceptionally low at Uchheli during monsoon season, i.e., 3.2 mg l-1. The sediment texture analysis indicated the dominance of sand > clay > silt at all locations and all seasons except in monsoon where it showed sand > silt > clay. 25 different groups of macrobenthos were identified among which polychaetes were most dominant and contributed numerically up to 74.3 % of total infaunal population. Shannon diversity index (H’) was observed maximum at TAPS 1& 2 (Premonsoon -2.88 and postmonsoon -3.00) and minimum at Uchheli (monsoon -1.03). Pearson’s correlation showed that dissolved oxygen positively correlated with Shannon-Weiner diversity H’ (p = 0.726), Pielous evenness J’ (p = 0.7511) and total species S with clay (p = 0.436). During present study, biodiversity of intertidal macrobenthos around Nuclear Power Plant site, Tarapur showed temporal and spatial variations.


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