Spatial distribution of Hymenoptera under the rain-fed conditions of Habis valley, Northwestern Coast, Matrouh Governorate, Egypt

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Research Paper 01/07/2017
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Spatial distribution of Hymenoptera under the rain-fed conditions of Habis valley, Northwestern Coast, Matrouh Governorate, Egypt

Amany N. Mansour, Ahmed I. Imam
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 1), 25-35, July 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Valleys in the Egyptian Northwestern Coast are widely subjected to different human activities which may represent a major threat to biodiversity. Lack of studies documenting the entomofauna of these valleys was the motivator to conduct the present research which may help in the diversity conservation of the valleys. Hymenoptera composition was assessed along the valley altitude. A total of 236 individuals, about98 morphospecies,16 identified families have been recorded in both yellow pan traps and sweep net when used at mid spring 2016. The highest altitudes (>40m) represented by about 25% of total collected Hymenoptera. There was a significant positive correlation between abundance, richness of hymenopteran families and morphospecies with the altitude. Diversity was adversely decreased in a slight mode with altitude. Ordination analysis revealed the importance of braconid, eulophid, ichneumonid and pteromalid families. Cluster analysis stressed the segregation of the upstream that have wild plants from the other sampling points. Therefore, agro-developmental activities in the valley should promote the maintenance of biodiversity. This is the first contribution to study the biodiversity of Hymenoptera in Northwestern Coast valleys. More studies are required to explore the entomofauna composition of Habis valley and the other valleys as well.


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