Storage studies of jaggery prepared using aloe vera, pursalane and malabar spinach mucilage clarificants

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Storage studies of jaggery prepared using aloe vera, pursalane and malabar spinach mucilage clarificants

Harish Nayaka MA, Lava Chikkappaiah, Manohar MP, Gunashree BS, Vasant Kumar M Koraddi
Int. J. Biosci.13( 1), 195-204, July 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The jaggery was prepared using plant mucilage as clarificant extracted from Aloe vera, purslane and malabar spinach and control jaggery was also prepared without any clarificant. The mucilage was used at dosage rate of 0.4% of raw sugarcane juice. The jaggery prepared using plant mucilage as clarificants were packed in three packaging materials namely brown paper packs, low density polyethylene (LDPE) Covers & aluminium pouches respectively and stored at room temperature. The jaggery samples were evaluated for storage period of six months at the interval of 30days for moisture, colour, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, total viable count evaluation. The results indicated increased moisture, colour, reducing sugar, decreased non- reducing sugars and lower sensory scores for control jaggery packed in brown paper, LDPE covers and aluminum pouches. However, Aloe vera, Malabar spinach and purslane plant mucilage clarificants treated jaggery samples showed lesser changes in physicochemical, microbial as well as sensory characteristics compared to control jaggery. This suggests that improper storage of jaggery often leads to altered quality characteristics of jaggery leading to reduction in market value. The best packaging material in terms of preventing ingress of atmospheric moisture and for maintaining the keeping quality of jaggery prepared using different plant clarificants was found to be the aluminum pouches in the current study.


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