Strategy for enhancing the role of the community in the ecotourism development efforts in the Tambela Subdistrict of Aranio Village, Banjar District

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Research Paper 01/02/2019
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Strategy for enhancing the role of the community in the ecotourism development efforts in the Tambela Subdistrict of Aranio Village, Banjar District

Ekak Bhintari Wahyuningsih, Abdi Fithria, Kissinger
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 2), 34-45, February 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


South Kalimantan, which has a very large forest area, certainly offers a variety of natural beauty that can be a main attraction for tourists, one of which is the Kembang River natural attraction located in Tambela Village, Aranio District, Banjar Regency. The purpose of this study was to formulate a development strategy for Tourism Attraction Objects (ODTW) in Tambela Village, Aranio District, Banjar Regency. The study was conducted at the Tourism Attraction Object (ODTW) in Tambela Village, Banjar Regency. The time of the study was carried out in January 2018 until March 2018. Tourism development strategies were obtained based on data in the field for the development of the Tourism Attraction Objects of Tambela Village, which was immediately coordinated with the Provincial Forestry Service, Banjar District, Aranio Sub district, Head of Village Aranio, Resort Police and Military Headquarters at the ward District Aranio regarding the ODTW management system in Aranio/Tambela Village. So that it can create a beneficial synergy between the two parties, empower the community in management through socialization, and counseling on tourism development, in order to increase productive human resources.


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