Study of genetic variability of local Oregano (Origanum vulgare) through RAPD markers

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Study of genetic variability of local Oregano (Origanum vulgare) through RAPD markers

Hafiza Faiza, Nadir Ali Rind, Muhammad Rafiq, Muhammad Umar Dahot
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 3), 48-55, March 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


In the present study Origanum vulgare seeds were exposed to chemical mutagens at different concentration of Ethyl methane sulphonate and Sodium azide. Mutants and control (without mutagen treatment) of Origanum vulgare seeds were than culture in-vitro on MS media (supplemented with hormones) for regeneration and callus induction. DNA was isolated from all treated and control Origanum vulgare and polymorphism of isolated DNA was studied using six RAPD markers. In this study six RAPD primers were used as markers to study the genetic differences in mutagenized Oregano plants and callus cultures. The DNA samples of plants and callus cultures showed common bands. As common amplified bands in RAPD separated in agarose gels also showed variable intensity of their bands. This type of polymorphism may be due to different copy numbers of corresponding DNA loci. RAPD showed variations in mutagenized Oregano plants and callus cultures. The callus cultures can be used for several studies like for mass propagation, production of secondary compounds and gene transfer studies. RAPD has frequently used as molecular marker for genetic variability studies in plants due to its simplicity, rapidity and lack of prior genetic information about the plant.


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