Study of reproductive characteristics of Capoeta in Alvand River, Kermanshah Province, Iran

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Study of reproductive characteristics of Capoeta in Alvand River, Kermanshah Province, Iran

Mojtaba Poria, Asghar Abdoli, Fathali Nouri, Kyvan Ghanbari, Yaghoub Ghiasi, Abdolreza Fatahi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 1), 128-134, January 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The reproductive characteristics of Capoeta trutta were monthly in the Alvand River Kermanshah province for one year from August of 2008 till July of 2009. Totally, 225 fishes were caught, of which 126 were male and 99 were female. The sex ratio in this study was obtained as 1.27 ♂: 1 ♀. The maximum total length of the male and female fishes in Alvand River was measured as 372.66 and 383 mm respectively. Four reproductive characteristics including absolute fecundity, relative fecundity, Gonado-somatic Index (GSI) and ova diameter were measured and recorded from the fishes of Alvand River. The mean absolute fecundity of fishes in this river was 15233±11058, whose minimum and maximum was obtained as 2980 and 26756 respectively. The mean relative fecundity of fishes in this river was calculated as 37.25±2.38. The average of Gonad somatic Index (GSI) of male and female fishes was achieved as 1.41 ±0.45 and 2.02 ±0.39 respectively, which showed a significant difference in the level of 1 percent (P<0.01). The mean ova diameter of fishes in Alvand River was measured as 0.8±0.06 mm, for which the range of 0.11-2.02 was obtained. Considering the fact that the Gonado-somatic Index of this fishes is maximized in May, the time for spawning was determined to be in May and for reproduction period to be from March till July. Epithelial nodules appeared in March, maximize in May and disappear in July. The average water temperature and Dissolved oxygen in the water were recorded to be 19.52c˚ and 8.37 mg respectively.


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