Study of the floristic, range condition and trend to protect range ecosystems in the Esfahan

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Research Paper 01/05/2015
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Study of the floristic, range condition and trend to protect range ecosystems in the Esfahan

Zahara Jafari, Fariba Aslani, Samira Mesri
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 5), 107-115, May 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Vegetation is one of the most important components of the natural ecosystems that in addition to expressing vegetative conditions are indicating present environmental conditions. Study vegetation condition case study has carried out to identify region abilities and limitations in order to permanent utilization. The study area was identified using the Google Earth software and then was controlled by field survey and GPS device. First of all, the areas floristic list and plants life form were prepared. Range condition was identified by 6-factor Dr. Goodwins method that was modified by dr. Bassiri and by considering. For determining range trend scoring method was used and we considered regress signs in vegetation and solid in the case study. The results showed that rangelands condition in Nanadegan village in both types is poor. In determining the range trend in the first type, the total positive scores was +9 and the total negative scores was -19, so the first type trend is negative and in the second type, total positive scores was +14 and total negative scores was -14 that second type trend is constant.

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