Studying the causes of landslides in LEILE basin area in Javanroud-Iran

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Research Paper 01/12/2013
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Studying the causes of landslides in LEILE basin area in Javanroud-Iran

Bahram Karami Khah, Amjad Maleki, Sohrab Moradi, Sayed Ali Hosaini
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 12), 25-35, December 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Landslides or mass movements are the phenomena, occurred by geomorphologic deforming. These phenomena are some kind of destruction, which is formed in the result of reaction among inner & outer land forces. This study has been carried out with the aim of recognizing & revealing the causes of landslides, their effect on structures, their shape in the related basin area and finally providing the applied maps for environment recognition & management of this area. Having studied the geologic qualities, climate, geomorphology, slope, physiography, hydrology, soil and vegetation cover, also by field studying of the basin area and reveling together with analyzing the effective causes of landslides, they have been gone under study in view of forming & developing. Meantime, the important role of man as a reinforcing stimulant of landslides and erosions should not be ignored. In this region, the faults effects can often extend 1 KM far around, so that more than 50% of landslides have been occurred in this district. In addition, many other landslides have occurred alongside SALAS-JAVANROUD road, which in turn reveals the man’s interference in nature. In this region, molehill, alluvial cones and the river terraces are the most landslide bearing morphologic units. Cases like ruin of farmlands, reinforcement of destructive torrents, ruin of riverside gardens, debris falling in mining and building projects, road destruction, etc. are samples of resulted effects on the life of related residents.


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