Studying the effect of ozone gas and edible films on microbial features, qualitative properties of Mazafati date during storage period

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Studying the effect of ozone gas and edible films on microbial features, qualitative properties of Mazafati date during storage period

F. Salagegheh, F. Zaynali, M. Alizadeh, A. Golshan Tafti
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 4), 240-250, October 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Mazafati date is the most important export product in Kerman but it is difficult to be kept due to its high humidity and corruptibility. Fermentation and rancidity due to activity of molds and yeasts are considered as the most common problems of producers of Mazafati date. An edible film incorporated with vegetable oil extract and ozone gas is able to increase storage period of the fruit and to settle aforementioned problems. The treatments applied in this research include ozone gas, chitosan and zein films with thyme and carnation extracts. The effect of treatments was studied within 6-month storage in -3oC and 60% relative humidity. Results of data analysis showed that the increasing storage period increased the number of flavonoids. No change was seen in antioxidant activity and total number of phenols has increased for four months. Regarding the color, the effect of treatment was significant on L* component, a* component, number of microorganisms, molds and yeasts of the date but it had no significant effect on other variables. The increasing storage period increased the total number of samples except for the number of molds and yeasts. Use of edible films with vegetable oil extracts could prevent the growth of molds and yeasts especially Aspergillus Niger which is resistant against environmental conditions. Generally, results showed that ozone gas as well as edible films with 4000 ppm thyme and 1000 ppm carnation extracts was effective on protection of qualitative, quantitative and microbial properties.

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