Open Access Research Paper Views (332) Download (19) Petrography and geochemistry of rhyolite rocks in the Se-Chahun iron oxide deposite, Bafq mining district, Central Iran Zahra Hossein Mirzaei Beni J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 6), 329-337, December 2014. Key: BafqGeochemistryI typePetrographyRhyoliteSe-Chahun Details
Open Access Research Paper Views (273) Download (7) Petrography of plutonic rocks in the late cambrian (rizu series), se-chahun iron oxide deposite, bafq mining district, Central Iran Zahra Hossein Mirzaei Beni, M.H. Emami, S. J. Sheikhzakariaee, A. Nasr Esfahani J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 610-616, October 2014. Key: Late CambrianPetrographyPlutonic rocksSe-Chahun Details