Taxonomic study of mosquitoes (Culicidae: Diptera) of district Narowal, Punjab-Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/04/2015
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Taxonomic study of mosquitoes (Culicidae: Diptera) of district Narowal, Punjab-Pakistan

Shoaib Rasool, Mian Inayatullah, Muhammad Akbar, Muhammad Ali,Shaukat Ali, Syed Arif Hussian Rizvi, Sujjad Hyder,Farida Begum, Ghulam Raza , Karamat Ali
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 4), 368-373, April 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The purpose of study was to explore the mosquito fauna of District Narowal of Punjab-Pakistan and to construct identification keys. The selected localities were visited once a week from December 2012 to December 2013. Results showed that the collected specimens belong to 11 species in 4 genera of 2 subfamilies. The species are: Anophelinae: Anopheles nigerrimusGiles, 1900, Anopheles culicifaciesGiles, 1901, Anopheles stephensiListon, 1901,Anopheles jamesiiTheobald, 1901, and Anopheles maculatesTheobald, 1901. Culicine species include genus Culex withCulexepidesmusTheobald, 1910, CulexfatigansWiedemann, 1828,CulextheileriTheobald, 1903 andCulexvishnuiTheobald, 1901; genus Armigeresshowed Armigeres (Armigeres) obturbansWalk, 1860, Aedesshowed only one species Aedes (Aedes) albopictusSkuse, 1894. Descriptions, distribution and illustrated keys for the identification of all the mosquito species found in district Narowal are presented.


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