Temporal trends in phenology and demographic status of Acacia modesta population in Malakand Division, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/02/2015
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Temporal trends in phenology and demographic status of Acacia modesta population in Malakand Division, Pakistan

Zahid Muhammad, Nasrullah Khan, Atta Ullah
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 2), 8-15, February 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Population of Acacia modesta was monitored for demographic and phenology purposes in Malakand division Pakistan during 2013. The study sites were located on hills slopes and open graveyards from 593 to 1185 meter elevation. Density, height and diameter were noted for each tree in all stands and their population dynamics like static life table, diameter/height verses density curve were calculated. Density diameter curve was reverse J shaped representing sustainable regeneration status of the population. Mortality of seedling was 71% while life expectancy was higher for saplings among all other stages. The life table represent that seedling stage is the shortest life stage and only 21% of seedling population develop into saplings stage. Phenological study revealed that leaves formation starts in March while flower sprouting in June. Leaves and pods senesces starts in November and December. The aim of the study was to draw attention towards population structure, present and future status of Acacia modesta population on conservation and management perspective.


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