The effect of fungal extracts on the growth of decapitated coleoptiles and root development of rice and corn

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Research Paper 01/10/2018
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The effect of fungal extracts on the growth of decapitated coleoptiles and root development of rice and corn

Arlyn G. Linsangan, Emmanuel E. Gandalera, Mary Jhane G. Valentino
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 4), 109-115, October 2018.
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This study aimed to evaluate the growth of decapitated coleoptiles and root development of rice and corn plants as affected by fungal extracts (crude, ethanol and fungal of spent) of Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, Rhizopus stolonifer and Rhizomucor pusillus by evaluating their effect on decapitated coleoeptiles and root elongation. Forthe elongation of decapitated coleoptiles of the rice and corn seeds, results showed the lack of auxin like activity of fungal isolates, and their inability to influence growth of the decapitated coleoptiles. For the length of roots and the number of roots in germinated rice, among the fungal treated seeds, A. niger crude extract registered the highest mean length of 14.81 mm and the least of 10.58mm was observed in R. stolonifer spent. For the number of roots, among the fungal treated seeds, the most number of roots were observed in A. fumigatus ethanol extract. Whereas, reduction in the number of roots when treated with R. pusillus crude extract and spent, and A. fumigatus crude extract were recorded.


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