The effect of land use changes on groundwater level decline (Case study: North of Urmia lake basin)

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Research Paper 01/10/2016
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The effect of land use changes on groundwater level decline (Case study: North of Urmia lake basin)

M. Ranjpishe, M. Karimpour Rayhan, G. H. Zehtabian, H. Khosravi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 4), 272-278, October 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


One of the direct impacts of land use on the hydrological situation of each region is relationship between land use changes with fluctuations in ground water table. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between land use changes and a drawdown in water level underground basin is Shabestar. This basin is located near Urmia Lake which Groundwater Level Decline of this basin effect on Urmia drought. For this purpose land use map were extracted over the three time periods, 1990, 2007 and 2015, satellite images ETM, TM. In order to investigate the relationship of these changes falling groundwater level of the water table level was used 40wellsstatistics in over ten years (2002 to 2012). The study also aims to identify trends and determine rainfall and drought and wet periods of the moving average at3, 5and7-year-old was due to the results obtained from1997 to2003yearsdue to lack of rainfall and the drought period and uncontrolled exploitation of groundwater, the water level was low. Spatial variability analysis of a drawdown in the underground water basin in western and central regions due to increased garden sand irrigated land showed that the water level in these areas is a sharp drop, however, due to a rainfall increase from 2004 years to 2012, and consistent with the wet period, despite an increase in cultivated area and indiscriminate exploitation, we saw an increase of 16 cm water level.


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