The effectiveness of coordinated physical activity on decreasing attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) syndromes

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Research Paper 01/12/2016
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The effectiveness of coordinated physical activity on decreasing attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) syndromes

Shima Mehrabi-Taleghani, Hamidreza Taheri, Ali Mashhadi, Mohammad Kazem Vaez-Musavi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 6), 78-83, December 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The present survey attempts to investigate The effectiveness of syndrome coordinated physical activity on decreasing Attention deficit – hyperactivity disorder syndromes. Therefore, a sample of 50 people including two sub-groups were randomly selected, using cluster sampling method among students suffering from decreasing attention deficit in Tehran: an examining group including 25 people did a high activity ball games (soccer), and a control group including that had no physical activity. The required information were gathered by the means of SNAP-IV and CBCL questionnaires for students aged 6 to 18. In order to analyze the obtained information, in addition to descriptive statistics, we also used deductive statistics including the analysis of multiple variable covariance (MANCOVA), alongside examining the congruity of the presumed regression coefficients as well as examining the congruity of the presumed in-group variance, using Levin and Shapiro-Willck tests to study the normality of the distributed data. The results show that physical activities that have an aligned characteristics with the symptoms of the Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, (high activity ball games), have a positive effect on categories of Hyperactivity and compound of the scale of SNAP and attention problems and ADHD problems of the scale of CBCL. Also, The results show that physical activities that have an aligned characteristics with the symptoms of the Attention deficit – hyperactivity disorder, (high activity ball games), have not a effect on categories of Attention deficit of the scale of SNAP.


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