The effects of native gedi leaves (Abelmoschus manihot L. Medik.) of Northern Sulawesi-Indonesia as a Source of Feedstuff on the Performance of Broilers

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Research Paper 01/10/2013
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The effects of native gedi leaves (Abelmoschus manihot L. Medik.) of Northern Sulawesi-Indonesia as a Source of Feedstuff on the Performance of Broilers

Jet Saartje Mandey, Hendrawan Soetanto, Osfar Sjofjan, Bernat Tulung
Int. J. Biosci.3( 10), 82-91, October 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In order to get information about growth and health promoter herbal plant as feedstuff in broiler chickens, gedi plant was investigated biology study. Gedi (Abelmoschus manihot L. Medik) is native plant and abundant in Northern Sulawesi-Indonesia. Utilization of gedi leaves as feedstuff in ration for broiler has not been conducted and reported in literatures. The objective of this research was to evaluate utilization of gedi leaves in ration on the parameters performance and histomorphological of villi ileum of broilers, as a possible feedstuff in enhancing and promoting growth of broiler chicks. Total of 100 unsexed day-old chicks (Cobb CP 707) were randomly allocated to four diet treatment groups, consisting of five replications in each treatment using five birds in each cell. Animals were fed commercial complete based diet. Dietary treatments were basal diet (R0), 95% basal diet + 5% gedi leaf meal (R1), 90% basal diet + 10% gedi leaf meal (R2), and 85% basal diet + 15% gedi leaf meal (R3). Treatments were administrated during 35 days. Feed and water were provided ad libitum throughout experiment. All diets were fed to birds as mash. Results showed that utilization of gedi leaves in ration affected normally on total blood cholesterol, edible giblet organs (liver and heart percentage) and histomorphological structures of villi ileum in broiler, but a highly significant increase feed conversion ratio and gizzard percentage was shown in treatment R3 (15%). Level of gedi leaves up to 15 percents in ration tended to reduce body weight gain, dressing percentage and abdominal fat in broiler. In conclusion, the result reported here indicating that addition of gedi leaf meal 5 to 15% to broiler diet enhanced the performance of broiler for functional food.


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