The effects of priming by folic acid and hydrogen peroxide on morpho-physiological traits in cannabis seeds (Cannabis sativa L.)

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Research Paper 01/02/2015
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The effects of priming by folic acid and hydrogen peroxide on morpho-physiological traits in cannabis seeds (Cannabis sativa L.)

Shirin Karbalaye Golizadeh, Tooraj Mir Mahmoodi, Nabi Khaliliaqdam
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 2), 407-416, February 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Effect of various folic acid and hydrogen peroxide concentration on some traits of cannabis performed based on randomized complete blocks design in research green house of Islamic Azad University of Mahabad, Iran. Experiments treatments were levels of folic acid (0,5,10,15,20,25,27Mm), hydrogen peroxide (0,7.5,15,22.5,30,37.5,40 Mm) and control (non-primed) which replicated 4 in 24 and 6 h in 2014. Laboratory parameters measured included, seed vigor index, germination rate and seedling dry weight And measuring the greenhouse includes RWC, Stomata conductance, dry weight root and plant, specific leaf area and spad. Folic acid was positive trend than hydrogen peroxide. compared to the control and primed with distilled water for 6 hours, respectively about 16 and 11 percent were biological function.


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