The impact of gas flaring and venting in Nigeria and management options: a case study of oil producing areas

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Research Paper 01/02/2014
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The impact of gas flaring and venting in Nigeria and management options: a case study of oil producing areas

Ayejuyo O. Olusegun, Biobaku C. Babajide, Osundiya M. Olubunmi, Achadu O. John
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 2), 27-36, February 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This study assesses gas flaring and venting impacts in some oil producing areas in the Niger-Delta of Nigeria. The research instrument adopted for this study was the questionnaire survey and laboratory analysis, both microbiological and physico-chemical. The analysis of the data was done using simple descriptive analysis of frequency distribution of the relevant statistical information, supplemented by Chi-Square (X2) statistical method. Soil samples obtained from selected flare sites were analyzed and they indicated a negative impact on the microbial content of the soil. Rain water samples collected from different locations at different times and analyzed revealed a significant level of acidity (4.5-6.9) which causes damage to property and affect crops yield. Nitrates produced by the gas flare which varied from 0.12 to 0.47 mg/L result in the production of dilute nitric acid which is also corrosive. A survey carried out in this study revealed that the majority of Nigerians believe that gas flaring and venting has negatively impacted human health and the environment mainly in the oil producing areas.


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