The politics of climate change from the perspective of Bangladesh

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The politics of climate change from the perspective of Bangladesh

Fuad Al Mannan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 143-149, October 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Global warming is created mainly by the developed countries because of their high level of green house gas emission. In comparison to average level, the per capita green house gas emission by Bangladesh is very low. Yet Bangladesh is in the high level of threat from environmental disaster. The impact of global warming creates rise in sea level and increased frequency of cyclones and floods which affects the countries like Bangladesh very severely. Kyoto protocol has given an opportunity to Bangladesh to get some positive outcome from the global consensus. From the climate change politics Bangladesh can be benefitted if it can utilize the opportunity of carbon trading and if it can establish the protocol of ‘Climate Change Refugee’ and ‘food security’. This article discusses on how Bangladesh should play its role in the politics of climate change to address the issues like environmental refugee, food security and carbon trading through a general consensus with other developing countries.


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