The study of climate change in Mazandaran Province using the limit indices of temperature and precipitation

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The study of climate change in Mazandaran Province using the limit indices of temperature and precipitation

Razaghian Hadi, Shahedi Kaka, Haghshenas GatabiRahman Rahman Ali, Kheirollah Poor Saraee Ahmad
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 1), 14-22, July 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In recent years, we could rarely find a day in which the mass media do not release news and reports about natural disasters such as intensive storms, flood, drought and their heavy damages to catchments and human’s environment. Most of the mentioned events are the result of climate changes that researchers believed it is the result of global warming. With regard to the fact that with today’s technology, human could not prevent these disasters. Therefore, recognizing these phenomena and its consequences can help the human to learn what the best way is to overcome these events and suitable behavior to decrease the consequences. To do so, in this study, climate changes problem in Mazandaran province catchments was selected and considered. To achieve this aim, temperature and precipitation parameters were extracted and classified from synoptic and climatologic meteorological stations with long duration statistics. To achieve a total idea of precipitation and temperature behavior in the studied region, moving average was used with a quantitative analysis. In addition, Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) was used to study the intensity, duration and frequency of drought years in that region in order to specify the role of precipitation, temperature, and moisture in climate change. The results of the study indicated that temperature change causes precipitation reduction and could directly affect the water requirement of agricultural plants. Finally, by reviewing the above mentioned parameters it was concluded that in recent years, climate change has been obvious in the area and tends to become more arid.


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