The use of conservative treatment in partial anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears among male athlete

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Research Paper 01/10/2013
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The use of conservative treatment in partial anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears among male athlete

Kasbparast Jr. Mehdi, Zahedmanesh Forouzan, Aghaei Fariba, Sadeghiani Arash
Int. J. Biosci.3( 10), 312-320, October 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In this study tried to using conservative treatment in partial anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear among male athlete. If an athlete is injured anterior cruciate ligament that he first recommended treatment is surgery. But surgery has complications and athlete will have a lot of problems later. So it is better to replace simple method instead surgical procedures. For this study, 57 patients were selected via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan that should be performed exercises for 10 weeks. The mean time interval between the rupture and the diagnosis by an MRI was 2–14 days and the mean of subjects’ age were 28 years old. Conservative treatment in this study divided into 4 phase included: 1. acute phase, 2. Sub-Acute/Strengthening Phase, 3. Limited Return to Activity Phase, and 4. Return to Activity/Sport Phase. Therapeutic Exercise during 4 phases that mentioned included: Increase and improve the range of motion, Patella mobilization (Medial/Lateral, Superior/Inferior) quadriceps, hamstring strengthening, Flexibility exercises, and Static lunge progressions, daily lower extremity stretching and sports specific drills, speed/agility program. In totally our results indicate that after 10 weeks conservative treatment protocol in partial ACL tear, 39 patients reported good or very good subjective results and 15 patients described a satisfactory result. 31persen had never experienced giving-way symptoms after 10 week, 8 patient had giving-way when participating in heavy exercise and wears an orthosis during sports activities. 26 athletes play sports at the same level as before the treatment. 11 patients were able to perform high-risk pivoting sports. And all patients could participate in low-risk pivoting sports like jogging and mountain hiking. As a general conclusion it can be said conservative treatment in Partial anterior cruciate ligament tear was effective.


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