Time management and digital burnout during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An exploration of University students experiences

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Research Paper 12/06/2023
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Time management and digital burnout during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An exploration of University students experiences


This study aims to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on university students’ time management and explore the relationship between time management strategies and digital burnout. The research employed a descriptive-correlational design and surveyed 361 students across all levels from Cagayan State University’s eight campuses in the Northern Region of the Philippines. The study utilized three instruments: a personal profile and online learning resources questionnaire, the Time Management Questionnaire (TMQ), and the Technostress Scale. Mean was use dto describe the data and the test of relationship was conducted using Pearson-R moment of correlation. The findings revealed that students generally have good time management skills and prioritize tasks effectively. They also value time as a resource, make quick decisions, and avoid wasting time. However, there is room for improvement in planning weekly activities. The respondents experience moderate levels of technostress, particularly in the area of techno-insecurity. A negative relationship was found between time management and technostress, indicating that better time management could reduce technostress levels. It is recommended that students enhance their time management skills, particularly in weekly planning, and learn coping strategies to manage technostress. Incorporating time management training and technostress management into the online learning curriculum may be beneficial.


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