Traditional phytoremedies for wounds healing used by local community of Tehsil Kahuta, District Rawalpindi, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/04/2018
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Traditional phytoremedies for wounds healing used by local community of Tehsil Kahuta, District Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Samina Shabbir Raja, Zeeshan Siddique, Aneel Gilani, Mushtaq Ahmad, Muhammad Zafar, Ghulam Mujtaba Shah, Raees Khan, Muhammad Idrees, Muhammad Mohiuddin, Mian Muhammad Aman Ullah
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 241-254, April 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was aimed to unveil the medicinal plants (MPs) being used traditionally as phytoremedies for wounds healing by local community of Tehsil Kahuta, District Rawalpindi (Pakistan). For the purpose, 117 informants (64 female and 53 male) of various age groups were investigated through well planned questionnaires and interviews. As a result total 75 medicinal plants (36 herbs, 24 trees, 14 shrubs & 1 climber) belonging to 48 families, alongwith traditional phytoremedies were documented. Data analysis showed that leaves were most frequently used (44.71%) followed by whole plant and bark (12.94% each), fruits (7.06%), roots and seeds (4.71% each), flowers (3.53), rhizome and latex (2.35% each), and stem, resin, tuber and bulb (1.18% each). Most species were used against bites (anti-venom) and external wounds (10 species each) followed by mouth ulcer and burns (9 species each) and wounds inflammations (7 species). The data was also quantitatively analyzed by using different statistical tools like Frequency citation (FC), Relative Frequency citation (RFC), Use value (UV) and Fidelity level (FL). From the study it was concluded that medicinal plants have potential for wounds healing and play significance role in primary health care in study area. This research paper will provide baseline data for advance pharmacological screening of medicinal plants of study area in future.


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