Understanding the effect of storm as a sign of climate change on the Juniper forest of Ziarat, Balochistan, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Understanding the effect of storm as a sign of climate change on the Juniper forest of Ziarat, Balochistan, Pakistan

Muhammad Imran, Mohammad Anwar, Mujahid Ali Shah, Imran Ali, Lia Qian, Naseem Samo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 6), 133-140, June 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


This investigation was carried out on Juniperus excelsa. Juniperus excels is the dominant species in Juniper forest of Balochistan, Pakistan. Juniper trees are known to be the living fossils because of its long rotation age. The average forest age is between 1500 to 2500 years. The study aim is to highlight the threats of climate change to the Juniper forest. The studies were conducted at four ranges of Ziarat forest which is having sparse vegetation with open canopy. A strong wind was blown on 23-24of February 2015 which had severely damaged the Juniper forest of Ziarat. The area was traversed and the damaged areas coordinates were taken through GPS. The damaged (Full or partial) trees volume was calculated through Huber’s formula of volume.  The results showed that prior to open canopy vegetation nearly 132 trees were damaged in the four ranges of Juniper forest at Ziarat district. Out of these 132 trees nearly 32 trees were completely uprooted. Along with trees damage four houses roofs were damaged and blown away by the storm. Through Buford scale of wind it was found that the wind velocity is around 89-102 kph; which has damaged the Juniper trees from north to south aspect. It is concluded that such high velocity wind has never been witnessed within the area of Juniper forest in the past. High intensity wind was observed throughout but foremost damage was caused to Juniper forest at main Ziarat city and Manna areas.


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