Using GIS, ordination and discriminant analysis for study gnihabitat characteristics of medicinal plants from Compositae family; case study: Boushehr province, Iran

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Research Paper 01/12/2014
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Using GIS, ordination and discriminant analysis for study gnihabitat characteristics of medicinal plants from Compositae family; case study: Boushehr province, Iran

R. Khalifehzadeh, M. Farahnak Ghazani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 6), 18-23, December 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Medicinal plants are among the most important byproducts of Rangelands. The Compositae family, with 10 medicinal plants, is one of the richest plant families in the Boushehr province. Habitat conditions of medicinal plants from Compositae family, were determined by crossing of homogeneous unites map of the study area and distribution map of each species using ArcGIS 9.3. Then, the averages of the studied parameters including the annual mean of temperature(T), precipitation(P), potential evapotranspiration (Eva), elevation(H) and Slope (S) were calculated by using Excel software. Based on habitat environmental conditions, all studied species were compared each other and classified by CCA ordination method using CANOCO 4.5 software. The classified species accuracy was tested by Discriminant Analysis in SPSS 17. The results showed that, the studied species were classified in 3 groups with accuracy of 69.3%. The first group is consists of the three species of Achillea eriophora, Artemisia scoparia and Gundelia tournefortii, have a positive relation with (T) and (Eva) and their relation with (H), (S) and (P) is negative. The second group is consists of the four species of Centaurea depressa, Carthamus oxyacantha, Carthamus tinctorius and Anthemis altissima have a positive relation with (T), (Eva) and (P). However their relation with (H) and (S) is negative. The third group is consists of the three species of Centaurea persica Boiss, Centaurea brugueriana and Centaurea intricata Boiss, have a positive relation with (H), (P) and (S) but their relation with (T) and (Eva) is negative.


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