Using vegetation characteristics and biomass of earthworms to estimate fire damages in different elevation classes (case study: Zagros forests in Iran)

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Using vegetation characteristics and biomass of earthworms to estimate fire damages in different elevation classes (case study: Zagros forests in Iran)

Mosayeb Khalilpour, Hamid Jalilvand, Mohammad Reza Pourmajidian, Sayyed Mohammad Hojjati
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 11), 86-95, November 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


T Forest fire is the major disturbance that can severely change forest areas. The 1250 *800 m inventory networks using GIS with scale 1/25000 of digital maps were applied for this research. Thirty 30*25 m sample plots had been recorded and then some properties including the spices frequency, the spices type, canopy area, sample plot area, the quantity and biomass of earthworms in one squire meter in the center of sample plots were measured. Canopy area was recorded using two perpendicular diameters and canopy percent for each sample plot was obtained with the total canopy area of trees and shrubs divided by its sample plot area. The results of analysis of variance indicated vegetation, quantity, and biomass had significant relationship between their frequency and canopy percent of trees and shrubs, quantity and vegetation percent, quantity and length, dry and wet weight as well as diameter of earthworms, and also had no significant relationship for moisture percent. Class 1000-1500 of non-fire had maximum canopy percent and a significant difference with burned area. When the elevation increased, the quantity and canopy of trees and shrubs would increase. Results showed the studied properties in control area had more value than those in burned area.


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