Utilizing information technology and mobile health applications to improve drug-drug interaction awareness in Saudi Arabia

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Research Paper 10/12/2023
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Utilizing information technology and mobile health applications to improve drug-drug interaction awareness in Saudi Arabia

Anas Ali Alhur, Afrah Ali Alhur, Norah Homoud Alhuwaydaa, Ghazal Meshal Alotaibi, Laila Ahmed Madraba, Ola Aiad Alqarni, Rowaida Ahmad Alharbi, Seham Othman Safhi, Rahaf Mesfer Hussain Al Qibti, Sara Abdullah Almutire, Salman Khaloofh Saeed Alzami, Rabea Adel Abduljabbar, Fawaz Saad Thabit, Ammar Ali Yahya Asiri, Mohammed Hadi Asiri
Int. J. Biosci.23( 6), 156-164, December 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Information technology and mobile health (mHealth) applications play a significant role in the healthcare sector of Saudi Arabia. Drug-drug interaction (DDI) awareness is crucial to the patient safety. This study aims to explore the role of information technology and mHealth applications in enhancing DDI awareness among the Saudi population. A cross-sectional survey design adopts to evaluate the effectiveness of information technology and mobile health (mHealth) applications to the awareness about drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in Saudi Arabia taking adequate ethical approval of the concerned authority. The findings in relation to the utilization of information technology and mobile health applications need to improve drug-drug interaction (DDI) awareness in Saudi Arabia. Participant consent and diverse demographic representation with high rate suggest a significant awareness and acceptance of digital health tools among the Saudi population.


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