Vermicompost application improves yield and quality of table grapes var. king’s ruby (Vitis vinifera)

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Vermicompost application improves yield and quality of table grapes var. king’s ruby (Vitis vinifera)

Muhammad Javed, Khalid Saifullah Khan, Muhammad Akmal, Khalid Mahmood Qureshi
Int. J. Biosci.10( 1), 152-164, January 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


A field experiment was carried out to check the effect of vermicompost application on the yield and quality of table grapes variety King’s Ruby. Vermicompost (VC) was prepared by earthworm species Eisinia fetida using cow dung and sugarcane filter cake in the ratio 4 to 1. VC was applied alone (1,2 and 3 tons ha-1), and with NPK (1/3 recommended dose), to compare their effect with NPK (100-150-850) kg h-1 and control (no addition of vermicompost or fertilizers) during the years 2012-13. Each treatment was consists of four plants with three replications. Each line was considered as block. The design was RCBD. Different yield and quality parameters of table grapes like berry weight, bunch weight, yield, total soluble solids, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, ascorbic acid, protein, titratable acidity and total soluble solids ratio titratble acidity (TSS: TA) were studied. In the first year 2012 of study, the bunch weight differed significantly amongst the treatments being highest under NPK (full recommended dose), followed by vermicompost (3 tons + NPK 1/3 recommended dose per ha-1) and lowest in the control. In the year 2013, however the data recorded varied non-significantly among the treatments but exhibited the same trend as of the last year 2012. In case of yield the difference between highest (NPK) and untreated was 3.10 kg while 2.73 kg between (VC 3ton + 1/3 NPK) and untreated plants.


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