Water self-purification processes in mond river (mond protected area, Iran)

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Research Paper 01/03/2015
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Water self-purification processes in mond river (mond protected area, Iran)

Tirdad Maghsoudloo, Abdol R. Pazira, Saeid Moghdani, Farshad Ghanbari
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 3), 289-294, March 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


In order to this research he samples from the selected water points were taken during 6 months (July to December 2012). Totally 10 parameters were tested. These are temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, EC, COD, NO3, NO2, NH4, SO4 and PO4. The highest Level of temperature was 31.7 °C in July for station 4, dissolved oxygen (DO) was 9 mg/L in December for station 1, November and December for station 2, October and December for station 3, October and December for station 4 and December for station 5. The highest Level of pH was 8.62 in December for station 4, EC was 47700 in August for station 2, COD was 5200 mg/L in September for station 2, NO3 was 75 mg/L in November for station 2, NO2 was 0.57 mg/L in August for stations 3 and 5, NH4 was 0.196 mg/L in August for station 4, SO4 was 4470 mg/L in August for station 2 and PO4 was 4 mg/L in December for station 2.


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