Weed ecology of Brassica fields of Abbottabad and adjoining areas

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Research Paper 01/02/2017
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Weed ecology of Brassica fields of Abbottabad and adjoining areas

Saadia Afzal, Dr. Habib Ahmad
Int. J. Biosci.10( 2), 179-187, February 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Weeds of Brassica species, Rapeseed (Brassica rapa and B. napus) and Mustard (Brassica juncia) were explored in 2008-9 in Abbott bad region. For heterogeneity Mansehra and Haripur, were also covered. The project will elaborate weed ecology and will provide guidelines for effective weed control minimizing environmental and economic losses. Weeds were identified, authenticated, preserved, according to standard techniques. Studies on Weed Ecology comprising, Quantitative Characters (Quadrat analysis), Synthetic Characters (Constance and Presence) and Physiognomic (Life form) were carried out. Seven fields in specific areas were selected. 7 types of weed Communities were established in the study area as a result of Vegetative sampling. 50 weed species were recorded from study area, among them 44 were from Dicot and 6 from Monocot group. Life Form of all species was recorded as therophytes. Plants belonged to 18 families: Euphorbiaceous, Poaceae, Brasicaceae, Plantaginaceae, Carryophyllicaeae, Rosaceae, Fumariaceae, Fabaceae, Ppaveraceae, Malvacee, Rubiaceae, Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Apiaceae, Boraginaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Canabinaceae, Chenopodiaceae. Abundant species on IVI basis were, Euphorbia helioscopia, Galium aparine, Coronopsis didymus etc. Rare species were, Myosotis, albicans, Phalaris major and P. minor, Poaannua, Triticum aestivem. Very rare species were Potentilla atrosenguinea, Lapsana communis, Scandex pectin veneris, and Parthenim hysterophorus. On the basis of Constancy Class, species appearing in close to 50% of the stands (Class: IV-V) belonged  to both Rapeseed and Mustard, such as , Euphorbia helioscopia, Coronopsis didymus, Fumaria officinalis, Lamium amplexicaule, Poaannua. Anagalis arvensis, Avena sativa, Canabis sativa and Galium aparine, appeared in less than 50 % of the stands (Class: III-IV). Findings point towards relationship between Quantitative and Synthetic characters.


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